Scientific name: Crotalaria verrucosa L.

Family: Fabaceae

Synonym: Crotalaria mollis Weinm.

Bengali/Vernacular name: Jhanjhani, Bansan.

Tribal name: Salorok (Bawm), Kuduk jhunjhuni (Chakma), Moah soyaleh (Marma), Kan kung (Murang).

English name: Blue rattlesnake.

Description of the plant: A much-branched herb up to 1 m high, branches angled. Leaves simple, ovate to elliptic, 5-14 cm long, pubescent on surfaces, apex rounded, and base cuneate. Flowers bluish-purple in terminal or lateral 12-20 flowered racemes, 15-20 cm long. Pods shortly stipitate, clavate-oblong, black when mature, hairy.

Crotalaria verrucosa

Plant parts used: Leaf.

Ethnomedicinal uses: Leaf paste is prescribed in case of scabies.

Juice extracted from the leaves of the plant is given for diarrhoea, dysentery, dyspepsia, and blood impurities.

A paste is made with the leaves of the plant is applied on the infected skin twice a day until the leprosy is cured.

Distribution: It occurs in Chittagong, Khulna, Patuakhali, Rajshahi, and Sylhet districts.

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