Scientific name: Solanum violaceum Ortega

Family: Solanaceae

Bengali/Vernacular name: Phutki, Brihati begun, Baikur.

Tribal name: Pokhongkhesi, Kojushi, Titgula (Marma); Titbahal (Garo); Tida begul bichi (Chakma); Engfy-cha (Khumi); Ved bhayun (Tanchangya); Khamkah-chikam (Tripura).

English name: Poison berry, Indian night shade, Asian nightshade.

Description of the plant: A very prickly undershrub, branched above from the single main stem, covered with a fine, grey stellate indumentum, prckles stout, compressed and recurved. Leaves very variable in shape, broadly ovate in outline, sinuate to deeply 2-3 pinnately lobed with acute to acuminate apex, petioles and nerves with scattered almost straight prickles, petioles 2-3 cm long. Flowers in racemose extra-axillary cymes, colour pale purple. Fruit a globose beryy, 5-10 mm in diameter, yellow.

Solanum violaceum

Plant parts used: Leaf and stem.

Medicinal uses: A decoction is made with leaves and stems of the plant are taken twice a day (10 ml amount each time) for seven days to treat dysuria.

Juice extracted from leaves and stems of the plant is given for the treatment of vomiting.

Pea-sized pills are made from leaves and stems of the plant are taken with warm water four times a day (one pill each time) until the colic is cured.

Distribution: Throughout the country on forest edges, road sides and fallow lands.

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