Scientific name: Sphagneticola calendulacea (L.) Pruski

Family: Asteraceae

Synonym: Wedelia chinensis (Osbeck) Merr.; Wedelia calendulacea (L.) Less.

Bengali/Vernacular name: Bhimraj, Kesharaja, Bangra, Bhimra, Mahavringaraj.

Tribal name: Paihoo (Chakma), Baw-batasi (Mandi).

English name: Chinese wedelia.

Description of the plant: A procumbent herb, stem suberect, frequently rooting at the nodes. Leaves opposite, subsessile, elliptic-oblanceolate, acute at the apex, attenuate at the base, obscurely trinerved, margin subentire or upper half irregularly crenate-serrate, hispid on both surfaces. Inflorescence a capitulum, solitary, terminal, heterogamous, peduncled, peduncles up to 5 cm long. Flowers yellow. Ray-florets 8-10; female, lugulate, 2-3 lobed at the apex. Disc-florets 10-12; bisexual, tubular.

Sphagneticola calendulacea

Plant parts used: Leaf and stem.

Medicinal uses: Herbs are used for alopecia.

An extract is made with the leaves and stems of the plant by boiling in water are taken twice a day (10 ml amount each time) for 15 days to treat jaundice.

A decoction is made with the leaves and stems of the plant, after adding some sugar it is given thrice a day (10 ml amount each time) for seven days to treat skin disease.

A fresh juice extracted from leaves and stems of the plant, after adding little amount of honey it is taken once a day (5 ml amount each time) for three days to treat general weakness.

Distribution: It is found in Chittagong, Sylhet, Pirojpur, Sherpur, Dhaka Mymensingh, Patuakhali, Noakhali, Tangail and Nijum deep.

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