Scientific name: Ficus hispida L. f.

Family: Moraceae

Synonym: Ficus oppositifolia Roxb.

Bengali/Vernacular name: Dumur, Kakdumur, Khoksha-dumur, Dhungri, Thoska.

Tribal name: Luhuk, Luhut clang, Whutclang (Murang); Themaset (Pangkhoa); Debeda sara gach, Dhumur gulu (Chakma); Fah-shai-ba, Jeemuiya (Marma); Tammang gaas (Tanchangya); Thainjang (Tripura).

English name: Hairy fig, Devil fig, Opposite-leaved fig, Rough-leaved stem fig.

Description of the plant: A very hispid small tree or large shrub, up to 15 m tall. Leaves simple, opposite, decussate, petiolate, lamina ovate-oblong to ovate-elliptic, 8-30 cm long, base cuneate to truncate-cordate, margin crenate-serrate to entire, apex acute to acuminate, distinctly scabrid on both surface. Hypanthodium in the leaf axils hanging branchlets from the trunk, usually obovoid, hispid, closed by 5-6 bracts. Fig depressed-globose to pyriform, greenish-yellow, hispid.

Ficus hispida

Plant parts used: Leaf.

Medicinal uses: Skin of the hairless portion of the head is rubbed with the leaves of the plant once a day until the baldness is cured.

Paste prepared from leaves of the plant is applied on the face once a day until the facial paralysis is cured.

Leaves are used as poultice to treat boils.

Distribution: Very common throughout Bangladesh in homestead and village thickets.

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