Scientific name: Coccinia grandis (L.) Voigt

Family: Cucurbitaceae

Synonym: Coccinia cordifolia Cogn.

Bengali/Vernacular name: Telakuch, Telakucha, Kakjhinga, Kawoaluli, Kanduri, Mamakola, Kuchila, Vinbu (Bengali); Kelakochu hata (Noakhali).

Tribal name: Kambung, Sangbuai pang (Marma); Muss si (Murang); Thiback (Pangkhoa); Kamui apang, Taila-apang (Rakhaing); Ludi ishwarmuli (Chakma).

English name: lvy gourd, Scarlet fruited gourd.

Description of the plant: A perennial, climbing herb. Stem slender, slightly woody, many-branched, angular, glabrous. Tendrils filiform, glabrous, simple. Leaves entire to palmately lobed, a few glistening glands on the lower surface towards the bease, minutely denticulate, petioles slender. Flowers solitary, large, white; corolla 2.5 cm long. Fruit fusiform-ellipsoid, slightly beaked, 2.5-5 cm long, marked when immature with white streaks, bright, scarlet when ripe.

Coccinia grandis

Plant parts used: Leaf and stem.

Medicinal uses: Curry is cooked with the leaves and stems of the plant are taken once a day (25 gm amount each time) until the diabetes is cured.

Pills made from leaves and stems of the plant are taken to treat gastric ulcer.

Burning sensations in the scalp, feeling of hotness in head, sweating in soles of hands or feet. Leaves and stems of the plant are crushed and applied to head. Along with that cup of juice is taken

Distribution: Throughout the country in fallow lands and on fences.

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