Scientific name: Azadirachta indica A. Juss.
Family: Meliaceae
Synonym: Melia azadirachta L., Melia indica (A. Juss.) BrandisBengali/Vernacular name: Neem.
Tribal name: Neem, Tamotak (Chakma); Toimotahk (Chak); Vawizum (Lushai); Tamma-apang (Rakhaing); Tamakha (Marma); Nim gaith (Tanchangya).
English name: Neem tree, Indian lilac, Margosa tree.
Description of the plant: A medium-sized to large evergreen to semi-deciduous tree with large spreading crown. Leaves alternate, imparipinnate, 20-45 cm long, crowded near the ends of the branches; leaflets 2.5-7.7 cm long, base very oblique, coarsely serrate. Flowers white, in axillary panicles. Fruit a drupe, ellipsoid, green, turning yellow when ripe. Seeds ovoid, with a thin membranous testa.
Plant parts used: Leaf.
Medicinal uses: Extract made from leaves by boiling it in water, hot bath is advised to have with that extract once a day for seven days to treat allergy.
Leaf extract is used in hair washing once a day for consecutive seven days to treat dandruff.
Leaf paste is applied on the infected skin once a day (can be kept for five hours) until the scabies is cured.
Decoction of leaves is taken to treat anaemia.
Leaf juice is taken for the treatment of gonorrhoea and hook worm infestation
Leaf extract is used in hair washing once a day for consecutive five days to treat lice infestation.
Distribution: This species is planted and also naturalized throughout the country.
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