Scientific name: Achyranthes aspera L.
Family: Amaranthaceae
Synonym: Cyathula geniculata Lour.
Bengali/Vernacular name: Apang, Upathlengra, Bilaikhamchi.
Tribal name: Chai-chi, Chai-ka-krilu, Utlangra (Marma); Abang gach, Abang har, Naicrelung, Uvolengra (Chakma); Ultalengra, Uktalang garang (Tripura); Kawp-ta-rit (Lushai).
English name: Prickly chaff-flower, Rough chaff tree, Red chaff tree, Devil’s horsewhip.
Description of the plant: An erect, perennial herb, usually stiff 0.3-1m high. Stem angular, ribbed, thickened above the node, more or less densely hairy. Leaves simple, opposite, elliptic or obovate, form an acute or obtuse base, acuminate or rounded at apex. Inflorescence terminal and lateral spikes, erect. Flowers deflexed, congested near the apex of the axis, perfect, bracts and bracteoles subequal. Fruit a utricle, oblong, base truncate. Seeds cylindrical, smooth, black, shiny.

Plant parts used: Fruit.
Medicinal uses: A fresh juice is extracted from the fruit of the plant is taken twice a day (10 ml amount each time) for two weeks to treat diabetes.
A paste is made with the fruit of the plant is applied on the affected part of the body once a day (during night time) until the gout is cured.
A decoction is made from the fruit of the plant is given once a day for one month to treat gastric ulcer.
A paste is made from the fruit of the plant is applied on the tumour once a day until the lipoma (tumour) is cured.
Distribution: It grows as wasteland herb all over the country in way sides and fallow lands.
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