Family: Malvaceae
Synonym: Urena lobata var. sinuata (L.) Miq.
Bengali/Vernacular name: Kunjia, Kungooya.
Tribal name: Sampakpi (Manipuri).
English name: Burr mallow, Caesar weed, Urena burr.
Description of the Plant: An erect subshrub to
1-2 m tall. Leaves palmately deeply lobed, sinuses (curves) rounded. Leaves
downy grayish pubescent with star-shaped hairs, 4-8 cm long. Flowers
pinkish-violet, about 1 cm across, clustered. Fruit velvety and covered with
hooked bristles.
Plant parts Used: Leaf, stem, flower, and root.
Uses: Decoction prepared from the leaves and stems of the plant is
administered for the treatment of colic.
An extract prepared from the leaves and stems of the plant is given for the
treatment of gallstone.
A paste made with the leaves and stems of the plant is applied to the snake
biting place twice a day until the poison is eliminated.
Decoction of roots and leaves is used to soften the skin.
Flowers are used as expectorant; given for dry and inveterate coughs.
Boiled and pounded leaves are used as poultice for bladder and intestinal
Decoction prepared from the dried roots of the plant is used for the treatment
of enteritis, dysentery, rheumatic pains, and tonsillitis.
The plant is used for the treatment of sprain, bruises, skin disease,
gonorrhea, fever, malaria, pain, and inflammation.
Distribution: This species is found in Chittagong, Cox’s Bazar, Dhaka, Dinajpur, Gazipur, Kustia, and other places.
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