Family: Fabaceae

Synonym: Phaseolus mungo L.                               

Bengali/Vernacular name: Mashkalai.

Tribal name: Pee-shee-kanshi-deal (Rakhaing).

English name: Blackgram.

Description of the Plant: An erect or suberect, deep rooted, much branched, hairy, annual herb. Leaves alternate, trifoliolate, dark green, leaflets ovate, petioles long, stipules ovate. Inflorescence an axillary raceme, 10-20 flowered, yellow. Fruit a pod, grey or brownish when mature, slender, reflexed with short hairs, 10-15 seeded. Seed small, globular, usually green, sometimes yellow or blackish.

Plant parts Used: Seed, root.

Traditional Uses: Decoction prepared from the seeds of the plant is taken twice a day (100 ml amount each time) until the piles is cured.
The seeds of the plant are used in asthma, leukoderma, scabies, and gonorrhea treatment.
Powdered beans rubbed into scarifications over tumors and abscesses to promote suppuration. 
Roots considered narcotic, used for bone pains.
The seeds are used for cough, hemorrhoids, and liver afflictions treatment.
Bean soaked overnight with cold water is consumed as decoction or used with goat blood as antidote for arsenic poisoning.
A decoction made with the seeds of the plant is taken (50 ml amount each time) for 15 days to treat cardiac weakness.
The seeds of the plant are used in liver disorder and general weakness.

Distribution: Blackgram is cultivated throughout the country.

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