Scientific name: Urena lobata L.

Family: Malvaceae

Synonym: Urena americana L. f.

Bengali/Vernacular name: Jangli ghagra, Atlera, Nageji, Belaz-gota (Rema-Kalenga).

Tribal name: Fongpi, Kuney gaas (Chakma); Fopri nenga sa, Kaichini, Pobibaong, Fao pi, Faw ma (Marma); Rampurun (Lushai); Wakkhansu buphang (Tripura); Napsa, Roabey (Murang).

English name: Aramina fibre, Congo jute, Caesarweed.

Description of the plant: A highly variable annual or perennial undershrub, densely covered with minute stellate hairs and scattered simple hairs. Leaves angular to shallowly lobed, cordate or truncate at the base, margin serrate to crenate, both sides densely stellately hairy. Flowers small, axillary, solitary or in clusters of 2-3, colour pink. Capsules pubescent, covered with blunt spines.

Urena lobata

Plant parts used: Leaf and stem.

Medicinal uses: Paste prepared from leaves and stems of the plant are used in boils, headache and back pain.

Distribution: It occurs in all parts of the Bangladesh in fallow lands.

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