Scientific name: Tamarindus indica L.

Family: Caesalpiniaceae

Synonym: Tamarindus officinalis Hook. f.

Bengali/Vernacular name: Tentul, Ambli, Amli (Bengali); Teti gas (Noakhali).

Tribal name: Tedoy (Chakma); Mangaoi (Chak); Khen-thiri (Garo); Jifru bang, Manggebang, Mohoi sipang, Hao mong, Gayoi si (Marma); Teroi gaith (Tanchangya); Mekkesi (Khumi); Teng ta re (Lushai); Meng-plen-sur (Murang); Thenthela kung (Pangkhoa); Mon-jyo-sthei (Rakhaing).

English name: Tamarind tree.

Description of the plant: A large tree, up to 25 m tall with spreading crown. Leaves paripinately compound, stipulate, stipule minute, rachis including petioles 6-12 cm long, leaflets 10-20 pairs, linear-oblong, unequal and rounded at the base, obtuse at the apex, margin entire. Flowers in terminal, lax, few-flowered racemes; colour pale or golden-yellow. Fruit a pod, oblong, slightly incurved, thick, light brown, pulpy and septate within, indehiscent, seeds 3-8 or more.

Tamarindus indica

Plant parts used: Bark.

Medicinal uses: An infusion is made with the dried barks of the plant is taken for the treatment of dehydration.

Decoction of bark is taken to treat asthma, fever.

Distribution: It occurs throughout the Bangladesh.

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