Family: Urticaceae
Synonym: Pouzolzia indica Gaudich.
Bengali/Vernacular name: Cylonizolzi, Kullaruki.
Tribal name: Moia bar (Tripura).
English name: Pouzolzia.
Description of the Plant: A monoecious perennial herb, up to 40 cm tall. Stem ascending, basal part creeping and rooting with erect branching. Leaves opposite in lower portion, upper leaves alternate, shortly petioled, lamina broadly ovate or elliptic-ovate, entire, apex acute, base rounded, 3-veined at the base. Flowers greenish-white, in axillary, sessile clusters. Fruit an ovoid or elliptic achene.
Plant parts Used: Leaf, stem, root.
Uses: Powder made with the dried plant material is mixed with coconut
water then the mixture is drunk twice a day until the gonorrhea is cured.
Burning ash of the plant is applied to the infected skin once a day for ten
days to treat syphilis.
An extract made with the leaves and stems of the plant by boiling in water, then
gargling is done with that extract thrice a day for seven days to treat sore in
Juice extracted from roots of the plant is used in the treatment of
A paste made with the leaves and stems of the plant is applied to the biting
place once a day for three days to treat snake bite.
The leaves are used for gangrenous ulcers.
Fresh juice extracted from the leaves and stems of the plant is applied to the
affected breast twice a day until the breast cancer is cured.
The juice of the plant is used to treat boils, dysentery, fever, and urinary
The burning ash of the plant is used for brushing teeth twice a day for six
days to treat toothache.
Distribution: This species is found almost all over the country.
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