Family: Convolvulaceae

Synonym:Ipomoea vitifolia (Burm. f.) Blume

Bengali/Vernacular name: Kormolata, Kangolata.

Tribal name:  Babhoi toring (Chakma); Engffeyei (Khumi); Ta mangha, Khyai pacha, Kha mongno (Marma).

English name: Grape-leaf wood rose.

Description of the plant:   A large, glabrous, or patently hirsute twiner. Leaves pal hairy, woody climber with slender stems. Leaves rounded, 5-15 cm wide, palmately 5-lobed, andmately 5-7 lobed, entire or coarsely dentate or crenate, sparsely to densely pilose. Flowers 1 to several in axillary cymes on patently hirsute peduncle;corolla yellow, bell-shaped. Fruit a capsule, 4-valved, papery. 

Plant parts used: Leaf, stem, root.

Herbal uses:  Infusion prepared from the leaves of the plant is taken for the treatment of high feverandmalaria.

An infusion of the stem is used internally and externally in the treatment of smallpox.

The plant is to treat strangury and urethral discharges.

Juice extracted from the plant is used for poulticing soreness and inflammation.

The root is eaten raw as a remedy for stomachache.

Paste prepared from the leaves of the plant is applied to the fractured bone for making bandage; the bandage is replaced five times with a new one at three days interval to treat bone fracture.

Distribution: It is found in Bandarban, Chittgong, Jamalpur, and Rangamati districts.

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