Scientific name: Hemigraphis hirta (Vahl) T.Anderson

Family: Acanthaceae

Synonym: Ruellia hirta Vahl 

Bengali/Vernacular name: Buripana, Borati gas.

Tribal name: Mrawnna (Marma).

English name: Hairy hemigraphis.

Description of the plant: A small prostrate, softly hirsute herb, up to 30 cm long, with white hairs. Leaves ovate, crenate, obtuse, petiole very small. Flowers in small close terminal heads, pale blue. Capsule linear-oblong, yellowish-brown, with short, and glandular hairs, 10-12 seeded.

Hemigraphis hirta

Plant parts used: Leaf.

Ethnomedicinal uses: Gargling is done with the plant extract thrice a day until the sore in mouth is cured.

Decoction prepared from the plant is given for the treatment of ureterolithiasis.

An extract prepared from the plant is administered to treat shigellosis.

The leaves of the plant are chewed with betel leaf for cure ulcer of the mouth.

Distribution: It is found throughout Bangladesh in fallow lands.

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