Family: Rubiaceae
Synonym:Gardenia angustifolia Lodd.
Bengali/Vernacular name: Gondhoraj.
Tribal name: Jee-song-payn (Chak); Purchen cha (Murang); Anney-sha, Jhithawaye (Rakhaing).
English name: Cape jasmine, Gardenia.
Description of the plant: A large shrub, about 2 m tall. Leaves opposite, elliptic-ovate, 2-6 cm long, narrowed and pointed at both ends, shining and short petioled, and stipulate. Flowers large and very fragrant, occurring singly in the upper axil of the leaves; corolla usually double, white but soon turning yellowish, and 5-8 cm wide.Fruits ovoid or ellipsoid.
Plant parts used: Leaf, stem, flower, bark, fruit, root.
Herbal uses: Decoction of leaves is used for the treatment of dyspepsia.
Decoction of roots is used to treat flatulence, and nervous disorders due to dentition.
Poultice of leaves is used for the treatment of swollen breasts and headache.
The burning ash of dried fruit is used for brushing teeth twice a day for six days to treat toothache.
The fruits of the plant are used against diseases of the kidneys and lungs.
Decoction made from bark of stems and branches is used for the treatment of intermittent fever, dysentery, and abdominal pain.
Fruits of the plant are used to treat inflammation, jaundice, fever, liver disorder, and hypertension.
Decoction of bark is used for the treatment of
menorrhagia and uterine problems.
Decoction of flowers is used
as wash for inflamed eyes.
Distribution: It is cultivated in garden throughout the country.
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