Family: Acanthaceae
Synonym: Justicia ligustrina Vahl
Bengali/Vernacular name: Nilampari, Nilkanta, Udujati.
Tribal name: Karimkurunni (Chakma), Nilkanta (Tripura).
English name: Green Shrimp Plant, Blue fox tail nail dye, Green ice crossandra.
Description of the Plant: A shrubby plant, with 4-sided flower-spikes at the end of branches. Leaves are elliptic-oblong, narrowed at both ends, velvety. Flowers are large, greenish blue. Upper lip of the flower is linear, reflexed. Fruit a capsule, 2-seeded, ovoid; seeds broadly ovoid, compressed, pale colored.
Plant parts Used: Leaf, flower, root.
Uses: All parts of the plant are used for gout, and dysuria treatment.
Decoction of the leaves is given for stricture.
Roots and leaves together are used against tumors.
Juice extracted from the flowers of the plant is given to control the diabetes.
A decoction made with the roots of the plant is used for jaundice,
menorrhagia, and rheumatism treatment.
Distribution: This species occurs throughout the country.
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