Family: Dipterocarpaceae

Synonym: Dipterocarpus laevis Buch.-Ham.

Bengali/Vernacular name:Teli garjan, Telia gorjan, Garjan (Bengali); Tellya-garjan (Chittagong, Cox’s Bazar); Kali gorjon(Chittagong Hill Tract); Kuroli (Sylhet).

Tribal name: Gajjam (Chakma), Kainyapang (Chak), Kaingia (Mogh), Keyngaa (Rakhaing).

English name:Garjan-oil tree, Garjan balsam, Common garjan tree.

Description of the plant:A lofty tree, 30-40 m tall with a straight bole. Leaves 12-36 cm long, variable, elliptic or oblong-ovate, rarely oblong, acute or acuminate, glabrous on both surfaces, coriaceous. Flowers in axillary, few-flowered spikes; petals 2-4.5 cm long, tomentose, more densely on the outside. Fruit-belly ovoid; wings 11.5-18 cm long.

Plant parts used: Leaf, bark.

Herbal uses:Extract made with the leaves of the plant, gargling is done with that extract four times a day until the gingivities is cured.

The bark is especially used in urinary tract disorders treatment.

A resin obtained from the tree is used for the treatment of ulcers, ring worms, and other skin infections.

A powder made with the dried barks of the plant is given to treat gonorrhoea.

The bark of the plant is used for the treatment of gleet, rheumatism, and skin problems like eczema, psoriasis, and chronic respiratory problems.

Distribution:The species frequently occurs in the forests of Chittagong, Cox’s Bazar, Sylhet districts, and the Chittagong Hill Tracts.

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