Scientific name: Dillenia pentagyna Roxb.

Family: Dilleniaceae

Synonym: Dillenia minor (Zoll. & Moritzi) Gilg

Bengali/Vernacular name: Banchalta, Ajugi, Hargaza (Bengali); Ajuli (Dhaka-Mymensingh); Argeza (Chittagong); Ekush (Sylhet).

Tribal name: Hara (Chakma), Harjola (Marma), Angje (Khumi), Zambrun (Mogh), Haza (Tripura).

English name: Karmal, Dog teak, Dillenia.

Description of the plant: A large deciduous tree grows up to 40 m in height. Leaves are large, 20-50 cm, alternate, oblong-lanceolate, obtuse or acute, serrate. Flowers yellowish, fragrant, 2-3 cm across, arise from the nodes of fallen leaves, on panicles. Fruits 2.5 cm in diameter, globose contain single seed.

Dillenia pentagyna

Plant parts used: Bark.

Ethnomedicinal uses: A fresh juice is extracted from the bark of the plant is taken thrice a day (two tea spoons amount each time) for two weeks to treat blood dysentery.

A decoction is made with the bark of the plant is taken for diarrhoea, dysentery.

Bark of the plant is used for tuberculosis, fistula, sores, carbuncles, neuralgia, pleurisy, and pneumonia.

Juice extracted from the bark of the plant is taken twice a day (5 ml amount each time) to control the diabetes.

Distribution: It is found in Tangail, Sylhet, Chittagong, and Chittagong Hill Tracts districts.

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