Family: Verbenaceae
Synonym: Siphonanthus indicus L.
Bengali/Vernacular name: Bamunhatti, Banchat, Bonhat, Chokphutra.
Tribal name: Unfoi (Bawm), Noligach (Chakma), Bamus gach (Garo), Nalibaong (Marma), Senkuidem (Pangkhoa), Cha-mui-sthei-bawn-asshey (Rakhaing).
English name: Indian tube flower, Indian glory bower, Bead flower, Turk’s head.
Description of the Plant: An annual shrub, reaching up to 3 m tall with fluted hallow stem. Leaves simple, sessile, 15-23 cm long, oblong, in whorls of 3-5. Flowers white, 7.5-10 cm long, in lax usually 3-flowered cymes in the axils of the upper leaves forming a long terminal panicles. Fruit 1.3 cm across, dark bluish green when ripe, seated on the enlarged red calyx.
Plant parts Used: Leaf, root.
Traditional Uses: Juice extracted from
leaves and tender branches of the plant is used with ghee, as an application to
herpetic eruption and pemphigus.
A resin extracted from the plant is used in the treatment of syphilitic
The dried leaves are smoked like cigarettes to relieve asthma.
Juice extracted from the tender parts of the plant is used as an external
application for skin complaints
The pounded root, combined with ginger, is considered useful in the treatment
of cough and other pulmonary complaints as well as scrofulous affections
Traditionally the plant is used for the treatment of fever, atrophy,
consumption, cough, bronchitis, and blindness.
Distribution: It occurs in Chittagong, Cox’s Bazar, Sylhet, Rangpur, and Tangail districts.
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