Scientific name: Boehmeria glomerulifera Miq.
Family: Urticaceae
Synonym: Boehmeria malabarica Wedd.
Bengali/Vernacular name: Borthurthuri.
Tribal name: Urmurpata (Chakma), Mrangna (Marma), Aruleng (Murang), Holemfry (Tripura).
English name: Malabar tree nettle.
Description of the plant: A large shurb or small tree, about 4 m tall. Alternately spirally arranged leaves are ovate-lanceshaped, tip long-pointed, base rounded, margin toothed, velvety beneath, with glandular stinging hairs, 3-nerved at base. Flowers monoecious, minute, greenish-white, in small axillary, sessile clusters along main branches. Fruit an ovoid achene, acute.

Plant parts used: Leaf, root.
Ethnomedicinal uses: A paste is made with the leaves of the plant is applied on the biting place to treat snake and insect bite.
A decoction is made with the roots of the plant, after adding some sugar it is taken twice a day (100 ml amount each time) until the dysentery is cured.
Pounded fresh leaves are used as poultice for swelling pain.
Paste prepared from the leaves of the plant is applied on the boils to treat it.
An extract is made with the leaves of the plant is used for having hot bath once a day until the hemiplegia is cured.
Fresh juice is extracted from the leaves of the plant is taken two times a day (5 ml amount each time) until the epilepsy is cured.
An extract is made with the leaves of the plant is used for having hot bath once a day for three days to treat fever.
A fresh juice is extracted from the leaves of the plant, after warming the juice is taken once a day (20 ml amount each time) for two weeks to treat jaundice.
A paste is made with the leaves of the plant is taken twice a day for two days to treat osteomalacia.
Distribution: The species is found in the forests of Sylhet, Chittagong, and Cox’s Bazar districts.
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