Scientific name: Artabotrys hexapetalus (L.f.) Bhandari
Family: Annonaceae
Synonym: Annona hexapetala L.f., Artabotrys odoratissimus R.Br.
Bengali/Vernacular name: Kanthalichapa, Katchampa, Guichapa.
English name: Climbing ylang-ylang.
Description of the plant: A large climbing evergreen shrub. Leaves petiolate, oblong-elliptic to oblanceolate, dark green, glabrous, shining. Flower usually solitary, extremely fragrant, two whorls of three greenish-yellow or yellow petals, sepals in one whorl of three; green. Fruit obovoid, yellow, and fragrant when ripe, glabrous, 6-10 in a bunch.
Plant parts used: Leaf, flower.
Ethnomedicinal uses: Decoction prepared from the leaves of the plant is advised to give for the treatment of cholera.
A paste is made with the plant is applied for the treatment of itches and skin diseases.
The flowers of the plant are used in vomiting, biliousness, sweat, leucoderma, and heart disease.
Distribution: The plant is grown in garden.
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