Scientific name: Aquilaria agallocha Roxb.
Family: Thymelaeaceae
Bengali/Vernacular name: Agar.
Tribal name: Agar gach (Chakma), Mahaga (Marma, Tripura).
English name: Agar.
Description of the plant: A large evergreen tree, with straight bole. Leaves alternate, linear-lanceolate to ovate-oblong. Flowers small, greenish on shortly peduncled umbels, arising laterally from the younger branches. Capsules ovoid, densely tomentose.

Plant parts used: Leaf, stem, root.
Ethnomedicinal uses: A powder is made with the dried stems of the plant is taken with cow milk twice a day (2 gm amount each time) for one week to treat cardiac weakness.
Fresh juice extracted from the roots of the plant is taken twice a day (three tea spoons amount each time) for one week to treat constipation.
Powder made from the dried leaves of the plant is taken twice a day (5 gm amount each time) with water for three days to treat painful micturation.
A fresh juice is extracted from the roots of the plant is taken twice a day (10 ml amount each time) for three days to treat loose motion.
Distribution: The plant grows in Maulvi Bazar forests, cultivated occasionally by the Forest Department in Sylhet region.
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