Family: Mimosaceae

Synonym: Mimosa pennata L.                

Bengali/Vernacular name: Aila, Bisoali, Sembi, Kuchui, Boloa lota, Bon-siris.

Tribal name: Kram baino (Marma), Laron pata (Tanchangya).

English name: Climbing acacia, Climbing wattle, Feather acacia, Narrow-leaved soap pod.

Description of the Plant: A scandent shrub to woody climber, stem thorny. Young branches pubescent, green in color and turn brown with age. Leaves pinnately compound, pinnae 8-18 pairs, leaflets linear-oblong, smooth, base oblique or truncate, up to 50 pairs per pinna, hairy on the margins loosely set and overlapping. Flowers in large panicles at the end of branches, spherical, white or creamy white flower- heads. Pods thin, flat and long with thick sutures.

Plant parts Used: Leaf, root.

Traditional Uses: Decoction prepared from the leaves of the plant is given in digestive complaints treatment.
A decoction of young leaves of the plant is taken for body pain, headache, and fever treatment.
Paste prepared from the leaves of the plant is applied to snakebites.
Decoction prepared from the roots of the plant is advised to take for the treatment of diarrhea, dysentery, and urinary discharges. 
The leaves of the plant are chewed with cumin and sugar to stop bleeding from gum.
Leaf juice mixed with milk is used for the treatment of indigestion in infants.
Juice extracted from the leaves of the plant is given in cough, and asthma.

Distribution: This species is found in the forests of Chittagong and Sylhet districts.

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