Family: Apocynaceae
Synonym:Nerium indicum Mill.
Bengali/Vernacular name: Karabi, Rakta karabi.
Tribal name: Tai-cha-apang (Rakhaing), Kanail dare (Santal).
English name: Oleander, Roseberry spurge.
Description of the plant: A large, erect evergreen shrub with white latex. Leaves usually 3 in a whorl, linear-lanceolate, tapering at both ends, 10-15 cm long.Flowers pink or white, 4 cm across, in terminal cymes.Fruit cylindric, paired, with deep linear striations, 15-20 cm long.Seed numerous and compressed, with a tuft of fine, shining, white and grayish, silky hairs.
Plant parts used: Leaf, root.
Herbal uses: Paste prepared from the leaves of the plant is applied to the wounds to treat snake bite.
A decoction made with the leaves of the plant has been applied externally in the treatment of scabies and parasitic skin worms, and to reduce swellings.
Fresh juice extracted from the leaves of the plant with 5 drops of fresh coconut oil is applied three times daily to treat ringworm.
Crushed leaves mixed with oil and apply to lesions and eczema to treat it.
Roots of the plantmade into paste with waterare used for the treatment of haemorrhoids.
Oil prepared from the root bark is used in the treatment of leprosy and skin diseases of a scaly nature.
The plant is used for the treatment of cardiac illness, asthma, scabies, cancer, malaria, fever, diabetes, and epilepsy.
Distribution: It is grown in gardens throughout the country.
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