Family: Cucurbitaceae

Synonym: Muricia cochinchinensis Lour. 

Bengali/Vernacular name: Kakrol,Boro kakrol, Kata kakrol, Golkak, Golkakra (Bengali); Aakri (Noakhali).

Tribal name: Shejlock shak (Chakma), Kain- khan- polong- chae (Chak), Achampol (Khumi), Kang-chaing-za (Murang), Hang-khaa-bawn-sthei (Rakhaing).

English name: Sweet gourd, Giant spine gourd, Spine bitter cucumber.

Description of the plant: A large climber with perennial root stock and tuberous roots. Leaves broadly ovate, 12-18 cm long as broad, deeply palmately 3-lobed, sometimes entire, with pointed tips and heart-shaped base.Plant monoecious, flower large, solitary, white, tinged with yellow. The fruit large, ovoid to rounded, 10-15 cm in diameter, yellow and roughened with scattered, tubercle-like spines; seeds large, flattened, and circular.

Plant parts used: Leaf, root, seed.

Herbal uses: Juice extracted from the leaves of the plant, after warming it is taken with the sugar twice a day for one month to treat anaemia.

Roots of the plantare used for treatment of head lice.

A fresh juice extracted from the leaves of the plant is taken every day until the liver and spleen disorder is cured.

An infusion of the leaves is used as a remedy for intestinal disturbances, pain after childbirth, stomach cramps, and various swellings.

Seeds of the plantare used for the treatment of glandular swelling of the neck, abscesses, bruises, ulcers, andchronic malaria.

A paste made with the roots of the plant is appliedto treat bones swollen by rheumatism.

The poisonous seed is used externally as a poultice in the treatment of skin eruptions and infections, haemorrhoids, mastitis, and enlarged lymph nodes.

A paste made with the leaves of the plant is applied to the cutting wound to treat it.

Distribution: The species is cultivated in most parts of the country.

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