Family: Cucurbitaceae
Synonym: Trichosanthes macrocarpa Blume
Bengali/Vernacular name: Gular, Pathigular.
Tribal name: Makal maco (Tripura).
English name: Lard seed.
Description of the Plant: A robust, woody climbing herb. Stem branched, 20-30 m long, angular, glabrous. Tendrils robust, terete, glabrous, usually bifid. Leaves coriaceous, 15-20 cm long and as broad, 3-5 lobed, lobes ovate-oblong, more or less deep. Plant dioecious, flower yellow outside, white inside. Fruit big size, reddish-brown, tomentose, seeds oblong.
Plant parts Used: Leaf, stem.
Uses: Decoction prepared from leaves of the plant is given to treat
The leaves are also used to cure ulceration of the nose.
The ashes of burnt leaves and stems are used in healing wounds.
Distribution: It is found in Chittagong, Gaibandha, Gazipur, Jessore, Mymensingh, Rangamati, Sylhet districts, and the Chittagong Hill Tracts.
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