Family: Fabaceae
Synonym:Crotalaria javanica Jungh.,Crotalaria pallida Klotzsch
Bengali/Vernacular name: Jhunjhuni, Jhunjhuna.
Tribal name: Kudug jhunjhuni (Chakma); Tha sim noi, Rati aapa (Marma); Roa bay (Murang); Rockac pabel (Pangkhoa); Kadyo-gree, Keymbai-bawn (Rakhaing); Easy gass (Tanchangya).
English name: Striped crotalaria.
Description of the plant: An erect low shrub up to 1.5 m high. Leaves 3-foliolate, leaflets 7-10 cm long, obovate-oblong, obtuse or subacute, glabrous above and obscurely silky beneath.Racemes 20-50-flowered, reaching 15-30 cm long. Corolla yellow striped with red. Pods turgid, deflexed, rather recurved, 4-5 cm long, 20-30-seeded.
Plant parts used: Leaf, stem, root.
Herbal uses: An extract made with the leaves and stems of the plant is used for having hot bath once a day for three days to treat boils.
Powder made from the dried roots of the plant is taken with water once a day (10 g amount) for five days to treat cold and cough.
A fresh juice extracted from the roots of the plant is applied to the tongue and lips for five times a day to treat facial paralysis.
The juice extracted from the roots of the plant is taken thrice a day (two tea spoons amount each time) until the indigestion is cured.
A fresh juice extracted from the stems of the plant is advised to treat irregular menstruation at the same time paste made with the leaves of the plant is applied to navel region.
An extract made with the leaves and stems of the plant is advised to treat piles.
Decoction prepared from the dried leaves and stems of the plant is taken for the treatment prostate enlargement.
Distribution: The species occurs all over the country in fallow lands.
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