Scientific name: Coriandrum sativum L.
Family: Apiaceae
Synonym: Coriandrum globosum Salisb.
Dhone, Dhaniya (Bengali); Dhoinna hata (Noakhali).
Tribal name: Sabrak phul, Dhanna jira (Chakma); Vey (Khumi); Bakar (Murang);
Changroi (Pangkhoa); Bohar pata, Nay-nay-bawn (Rakhaing).
English name: Coriander, Chinese parseley.
Description of the plant: An annual aromatic, erect herb, 40-50 cm high, slender stems with leaves on it. Leaves of two kinds, the lower ones petioled, pinnatisect into 2-3 pairs of ovate-cuneiform, incised-dentate segments, the upper ones short-petioled or subsessile, 2-3 pinnatisect into linear setaceous lobes. Flowers small, in compound umbels, white or pinkish colour. Fruit ovoid to globose schizocarp, up to 5 mm in diameter, yellow-brown, mericarps 2, each mericap 1-seeded.
Plant parts used: Fruit.
Medicinal uses: Coriander paste is applied on the belly to treat abdominal pain.
Powdered coriander (8 tea spoons amount) are soaked in 200 gm pure Sesamum indicum oil for one week, then the filtered oil is applied on head to treat dandruff and baldness.
Coriander has been used to treat rheumatism and neuralgia.
Distribution: Cultivated throughout the country.
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