Family: Poaceae

Synonym: Axonopus multipes Swallen                  

Bengali/Vernacular name: Balla ghas.

Tribal name: Ghora-duba har (Chakma).

English name: Broad-leaf carpet grass, Savannah grass.

Description of the Plant: A rhizomatous perennial grass, culms usually 30-60 cm tall, creeping. Leaf blade linear-oblong, oblanceolate, linear-lanceolate. Inflorescence composed of 2-6 racemes, mostly 4-9 cm long.

Plant parts Used: Leaf.

Traditional Uses: A paste made with the leaves and bandage (plaster) is made to the fractured bone with that leaf-paste to treat it.
Fresh juice extracted from the leaves of the plant is administered for the treatment of diabetes, and malaria fever.
Fresh juice extracted from the leaves is used for the treatment of breast swelling.

Distribution: This species commonly occurs throughout the country.         

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