Scientific name: Ixora nigricans R.Br. ex Wight & Arn.

Family: Rubiaceae

Synonym: Ixora affinis Wall. ex Craib 

Bengali/Vernacular name: Kuthi rangan.

Tribal name: Dikranga chuillya (Chakma), Rongma (Marma), Bumma-raja (Rakhaing), Khuom-chung-kheng (Tripura).

English name: Black ixora.

Description of the plant: A shrub, up to 3 m tall. Leaves simple, opposite, elliptic-lanceolate, oblanceolate, 6-10 cm long. Flowers white, small, few or numerous in sessile or peduncled brachiate cymes, broader than long. Fruit globose, size of a pea.

Ixora nigricans 

Plant parts used: Root.

Ethnomedicinal uses: Fresh juice extracted from the roots of the plant is taken three times a day (5 ml amount each time) for three days to treat diarrhoea.

A paste is made with the roots of the plant is applied two times a day to treat paralysis.

An extract is made with the roots of the plant is used to stop vomiting.

Distribution: The species occurs in Chittagong, Cox’s Bazar, and Chittagong Hill Tracts.

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