Scientific name: Dillenia indica L.
Family: Dilleniaceae
Synonym: Dillenia speciosa Thunb.
Bengali/Vernacular name: Chalta (Bengali), Chhailta (Noakhali).
Tribal name: Ulo phul, Ulu gach, Dabrusi (Chakma); Preici (Chak); Thigi (Garo); Thyfri (Khumi); Kawr-thing-dawng (Lushai); Jange bring, Kra aning (Marma); Ui-pia (Murang); Thaipolok, Thaiplaw (Tripura); Thabru, Dabru, Chauralei (Mogh); Dabroti, Dabro-sthei (Rakhaing).
English name: Elephant apple.
Description of the plant: A medium-sized to large evergreen tree, up to 40 m tall, trunk 1.0-1.2 m in diameter, bark smooth, orange-brown to dark orange, peeling off in small scales. Leaves simple, alternate, oblong, slightly to distinctly dentate, coriaceous, pubescent above and on the nerves beneath, petioles up to 10 cm long. Flowers solitary, 15-20 cm in diameter, pendent. Sepals 5. Petals 5, white with green veins. Stamens many in 2 distinct groups, the inner stamen larger. Fruits indehiscent, enclosed by enlarged fleshy sepals.
Plant parts used: Leaf.
Medicinal uses: The leaf and rice is to be soaked on the evening of the last day of the menstrual cycle and pithas made the following morning. One pitha each is eaten for the next 3 days. The contraceptive effect lasts for 5 years.
Paste made from leaves and applied on swellings and wound for cure.
Distribution: Wild in the forests; also planted in the villages throughout the country.
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