Scientific name: Delonix regia (Hook.) Raf.

Family: Caesalpiniaceae

Synonym: Poinciana regia Boj ex. Hook

Bengali/Vernacular name: Krishnachura.

Tribal name: Banglabawn, Ching-bowth-apang (Rakhaing); Krisnachura (Chakma).

English name: Peacock flower.

Description of the plant: A medium-sized, handsome, deciduous tree, up to 20 m high, with dome-shaped, flat topped, spreading crown, trunk often buttressed at the base. Leaves bipinnately compound, main rachis 50-60 cm long, pinnae 11-18 pairs, up to 10 cm long, leaflets 15-30 pairs, 8-10 mm long, almost sessile, linear-oblong. The large, bright red flowers are about 10 cm in diameter, the upper petal with a large white to creamy-yellow blotch, flecked with red. The stamens (male parts) are dark red and the style (female part) is yellow. Fruit a sessile pod, very long (30-60 cm), linear-oblong, flattened, slightly curved, pendulous, woody, blackish when dry, containing up to 40 seeds each.

Delonix regia

Plant parts used: Bark.

Medicinal uses: Decoction of bark is taken for the treatment of dysentery.

Distribution: This species occurs throughout the country.

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