Family: Bixaceae

Synonym:Bixa americana Poir.

Bengali/Vernacular name: Latkan, Belatihaldi, Watkana, Utkana.

Tribal name: Ronjak-phang (Garo), Eldi (Hajong), Reyan (Khumi), Rawng kung (Lushai).

English name: Arnotta plant, Annato, Lipstic plant.

Description of the plant: A large shrub or small tree. Leaves entire, alternate with long petioles, ovate, 8-20 cm long, 5-12 cm wide, with a broad and heart-shaped base, and a pointed tip.Flowers white or pinkish, 4-6 cm in diameter on terminal panicles. Fruits spiny capsules, ovoid or rounded, reddish brown, about 4 cm long, and covered with long, slender, and soft spines. Fruit dry and split open in two parts exposing many small red seeds covered with a dye-yielding red pulp.

Plant parts used: Leaf,bark,root,seed.

Herbal uses: An extract made with the leaves of the plant, gargling is done with that extract three times a day for seven days to treat sore in mouth.

Paste prepared from the seeds of the plant is applied to treat burn.

A decoction made with the leaves of the plant is used as a remedy for dysenteryand to reduce vomiting during pregnancy.

A past made with the leaves of the plant is applied to the head and to sprains to relieve ache.

The leaves of the plant are used to treat skin problems, liver disease, and hepatitis.

Seed oil isused as remedy for leprosy.

The leaves of the plant are used in baths to relieve muscular aches, fevers, colic or to get rid of worms in children.

A decoction made with the bark of the plant is used as a remedy for malaria and asthma.

An infusion of the root in water is used to treat venereal diseases.

Sap from the bark and crushed leaves are used as a remedy for skin rashes.

A paste made with the leaves of the plant is applied for the treatment of snake bite.

A tea made from the root is used to treat oliguria and jaundice.

Distribution: It is found throughout the country.

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