MPB 3.1

A Largest Medicinal Plants Database in Bangladesh



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Scientific NameFamilyVernacular NameHabitPlant PartsMedicinal Uses
Caesalpinia bonduc (L.) Roxb. CaesalpiniaceaeNataiClimberSeedThe seeds are used to treat colic, malaria, fever, hydrocele and skin diseases. Decoction of the seed is used in kidney troubles and blood pressure.
Caesalpinia cucullata Roxb.CaesalpiniaceaeNatakulaClimberLeafLeaves are applied externally to treat burns.
Caesalpinia digyna Rottler CaesalpiniaceaeKochoiClimber RootRoots are astringent, used internally in phthisis, scrofula and diabetes. The powder of the root is useful in diarrhoea and other chronic fluxes.
Caesalpinia enneaphylla Roxb.CaesalpiniaceaeNataineClimberLeafLeaves are used to relieve colic, fever, hydrocele, diarrhoea and rheumatism.
Caesalpinia pulcherrima (L.) Sw.CaesalpiniaceaeRadhachuraShrub or small treeLeaf, flower, seed.Leaf infusion is used to relieve constipation, as a treatment for kidney stones, and to accelerate childbirth. The leaves, flowers and seeds are used in the treatment of stomach, urinary bladder and kidney problems.
Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp. FabaceaeArhharShrubLeaf, flower.An infusion of the leaves is used as a treatment for pulmonary conditions such as coughs and bronchitis. An infusion of the flowers and leaves is diuretic and is used as a diabetes remedy.
Cajanus crassus (King) MaesenFabaceaeJungli arharClimberLeafLeaf boiled water is taken orally and also used as a bath for jaundice.
Cajanus scarabaeoides (L.) ThouarsFabaceaeBanurkalaiClimberLeaf, root, whole plant.The powdered root is taken orally in order to improve the digestion, treat stomachache and reduce abdominal gas. A paste of the fresh stem and leaves is applied to sores and to areas affected by venereal diseases. The whole plant is used in the treatment of swelling and pain in the leg during pregnancy; night fevers; renal stones; eye diseases; dropsy; anaemia; hemiplegia; burns and wound;, small-pox; syphilis; gonorrhoea; spermatorrhoea; gravel; cholera; dysentery; snake-bite.
Cajanus scarabaeoides (L.) ThouarsFabaceaeBanurkalaiVineRoot.The powdered root is taken orally in order to improve the digestion, treat stomachache and reduce abdominal gas. An extract of the crushed roots is used as ear drops in the treatment of deafness.
Caladium bicolor (Aiton) Vent.AraceaeDiranga kachuHerbTuberThe powdered tuber is used to treat facial skin blemishes.
Calamus tenuis Roxb.ArecaceaeBetWoody climberLeafAn extract is made with the leaves of the plant by boiling in water is used for having hot bath once a day until the paralysis is cured. Leaf paste is advised to apply externally on the cutting place for three days to treat bleeding from cutting wound.
Calendula officinalis L.AsteraceaeCalendulaHerbFlower.A paste is made with flowers of the plant is applied on the wart twice a day for nine days to treat it. Ointment is made with the flowers of the plant are often applied to the skin to help burns, bruise and cuts heal faster. Cream is made with flowers are used to treat haemorrhoids.
Calliandra surinamensis Benth.MimosaceaeSurinami caliandraSmall tree or shrubLeaf.Fresh juice extracted from the leaves of the plant, massage is done on the affected part of the body twice a day until the rheumatism is cured.
Calliandra umbrosa (Wall.) Benth.MimosaceaeChotto bormalaShrubLeaf.Paste prepared from the leaves of the plant is used to treat rheumatism and relieving inflammation.
Callicarpa arborea Roxb.VerbenaceaeBormalaTree An extract prepared from the leaves of the plant, hot bath is advised to have once a day with that leaf extract for the treatment of epilepsy. Paste is prepared from the leaves of the plant, after warming and adding some salt it is applied on the infected gum twice a day until the gingivitis is cured. A fresh juice is extracted from the leaves of the plant, and then massage is done on the affected part of the body twice a day until the rheumatism is cured. Paste prepared from the leaves of the plant is applied on the affected part of the body for the treatment of scorpion sting. Fresh juice is extracted from the leaves of the plant is administered for the treatment of worm infestation.
Callicarpa macrophylla VahlVerbenaceaeBaro bormalaTreeLeaf, fruit.A decoction of the leaves is used in the treatment of diarrhoea, dysentery and gastro-intestinal bleeding. The juice of ripe fruits is used in the treatment of indigestion and fever.
Callicarpa tomentosa Murr.VerbenaceaeBastraShrub to small treeBark.An extract of the bark is used in the treatment of fevers, liver complaints and skin diseases.
Callistemon citrinus (Curtis) SkeelsMyrtaceaeBottle brushSmall treeLeaf  The different parts of this herb have been used in common remedies for treatment of diarrhoea, dysentery and rheumatism.
Calophyllum inophyllum L.ClusiaceaeSultanchampaTreeLeaf, seed, root.A root decoction is traditionally used to treat ulcers, boils and ophthalmia. A leaf infusion is used to treat sore eyes, haemorrhoids and dysentery. The seed oil is applied externally as an analgesic against rheumatism and sciatica, and as a medication against swellings, ulcers, scabies, ringworm, boils and itch.
Calopogonium mucunoides Desv.FabaceaeCalopogoHerbLeafThe plant leaves are widely used for the management of bacterial infections, diarrhea and ulcer.
Calotropis gigantea (L.) Dryand.AsclepiadaceaeBaro akandShrubLeaf, flower.The powdered flowers are valued for treating coughs, colds and asthma. An infusion of flower is taken to treat intestinal worms, rheumatism and epileptic attacks. The leaf juice is used in the treatment of intermittent fever.
Calotropis procera (Aiton) Dryand.AsclepiadaceaeChottoakandShrubTwigs, latex.The latex is used for treating ringworm, guinea worm blisters, scorpion stings, venereal sores and ophthalmic disorder. Twigs are used in abortion, as an anthelmintic, for colic, cough, whooping cough, dysentery, headache, lice treatment, jaundice, sore gums and mouth, toothache, sterility, swellings and ulcers.
Camellia sinensis (L.) KuntzeTheaceaeChaShrub or treeLeaf.Tea is reportedly effective in clinical treatment of amoebic dysentery, bacterial dysentery, gastro-enteritis, and hepatitis. Externally tea is used as a poultice or wash to treat cuts, bruises, ophthalmia, swellings etc.
Cananga odorata (Lam.) Hook.f. & ThomsonAnnonaceaeCanangaTreeLeaf, flower, bark.The dried flowers are used in the treatment of malaria and the fresh flowers are made into a paste for treating asthma. The leaves are used in a treatment for diarrhoea in infants. An infusion of the bark is used for treating stomach ailments such as pains, indigestion and colic.
Canarium bengalense Roxb. BurseraceaeDunarlataTreeLeaf, bark.sThe leaves and bark are used externally for rheumatic swellings.
Canna indica L.CannaceaeKalabotiHerb A decoction is prepared from the rhizome with fermented rice is used for the treatment of gonorrhoea and amenorrhoea. Leaves of the plant are used for the treatment of malaria. A paste is made with the leaves of the plant is applied to treat boils and tonsillitis. 
Cannabis sativa L.CannabaceaeGajaHerbLeafAll parts of the plant are narcotic, stomachic, antispasmodic, analgesic, stimulant, aphrodisiac and sedative. Leaves and resins are mainly used as Bhang. Leaves make a good snuff for deterging the brain, juice removes dandruff and vermin, allays earache.
Capparis zeylanica L.CapparaceaeAzarilataClimbing shrubLeaf, root.Leaves used as cataplasm for boils, swelling and hemorrhoids. Decoction of root-bark used for vomiting and for improving the appetite. 
Capsicum frutescens L.solanaceaeMarichHerbFruitPaste prepared from fruit is applied on the affected area to treat muscle pain, back pain. Crushed fruit mix with oil and apply on affected part of the body to treat arthritis and rheumatism.
Carallia brachiata (Lour.) Merr.RhizophoraceaeRascowTreeBarkBark is traditionally used in wound healing, treating itch, oral ulcer, inflammation of throat and stomatitis.
Cardiospermum halicacabum L.SapindaceaePhutkaClimbing herbWhole plant.It is used in the treatment of rheumatism, nervous diseases, stiffness of the limbs and snakebite.
Careya arborea Roxb.LecythidaceaeKumbiTreeLeaf, bark.The powder of the bark of the tree is sprinkled over the wounds for quick healing. The leaves are made into poultice and applied over wounds and ulcers for quick healing.
Carica papaya L.CaricaceaePepeSmall treeFruitFruit can be used for treatment of a numerous diseases like warts, corns, sinuses, eczema, cutaneous tubercles, glandular tumors, blood pressure, dyspepsia, constipation, amenorrhoea, general debility, expel worms.
Carissa carandas L.ApocynaceaeKaramchashrub or small treeLeaf, rootA leaf decoction is used against fever, diarrhoea, and earache. The roots serve as a stomachic, vermifuge and remedy for itches.
Carthamus tinctorius L.AsteraceaeKusumphulHerbFlower.Flowers are used in treating infants complaints such as measles, fevers and eruptive skin complaints. Externally, the flowers are applied to bruising, sprains, skin inflammations, wounds.
Caryota urens L.ArecaceaeAdhi supariTreeBark, seed.The bark and seed are used to treat boils.
Cascabela thevetia (L.) LippoldApocynaceaeKolkefulShrub or small treeLeaf, latex.A decoction of the leaves is taken to treat jaundice, fever and as a purgative for intestinal worms. The latex is applied to decayed teeth to relieve toothache.
Cassia bakeriana CraibCaesalpiniaceaeGolapi sonaluTree The bark and seeds are used as antipyretics in the treatment of fevers.
Cassia fistula L. CaesalpiniaceaeShonaluTreeLeaf, bark, pod.A decoction of the roots is applied to purify wounds and ulcers. The pods are used as a remedy for malaria, blood poisoning, anthrax, diabetes and dysentery. The bark or leaves are widely applied to skin problems.
Cassia javanica L.CaesalpiniaceaeBansonaluTree The leaves of the plant are used against herps (Herpes simplex infection). The plant is used for the treatment of gastric pain, cold, malaria, measles, chicken pox and constipation.
Casuarina equisetifolia L.CasuarinaceaeJhauTreeBarkBark extract used as a remedy for diarrhea and dysentery and to help relieve a sore throat.
Catharanthus roseus (L.) G.DonApocynaceaeNayan taraHerbLeaf A leaf decoction is taken to treat hypertension, asthma, menstrual irregularities, chronic constipation, diarrhoea, indigestion, dyspepsis, malaria, dengue fever, diabetes, cancer and skin diseases.
Catunaregam spinosa (Thunb.) Tirveng. RubiaceaeMankantaShrubBarkThe bark is used internally and externally as an anodyne in the treatment of rheumatism and to relieve the pain of bruises and bone aches during fever.
Cayratia japonica (Thunb.) Gagnep.VitaceaeJapani goalilataVineLeaf, flower.The boiled leaves, combined with onion and lime, are applied to the head as a remedy for violent headaches. The dried and powdered flowers might be used in the treatment ofr fever. The aerial parts of the plant are used in the treatment of fever and malaria.
Cayratia trifolia (L.) DominVitaceaeAmol lataLianaLeaf, root.The heated leaves are applied as a poultice on boils in order to relieve inflammation. The leaves and roots are astringent and are used as a treatment for fever.
Ceiba pentandra (L.) Gaertn.BombacaceaeSirmai tulaTreeBarkA decoction of the stem bark is taken to treat stomach problems, diarrhoea, hernia, gonorrhoea, heart trouble, oedema, fever, asthma and rickets.
Celastrus paniculatus Willd.CelastraceaeMalkaganiClimberSeedSeed is used in the treatment of rheumatism, leprosy, gout, fevers and paralysis.
Celosia argentea L. AmaranthaceaeSweet morogphulHerbLeaf, flower, root.The leaves are used in the treatment of infected sores, wounds and skin eruptions. The roots are used in the treatment of colic, gonorrhoea and eczema. Flowers are used in the treatment of bloody stool, haemorrhoid bleeding, uterine bleeding, leucorrhoea, dysentery and diarrhea.
Celtis cinnamomea Lindl.UlmaceaeSinam lataTreeBarkBark paste is applied to treat boils.
Cenchrus ciliaris L.PoaceaeAnjan ghasHerbWhole plantHerb is folk remedies for kidney pain, tumors, sores and wounds.
Centella asiatica (L.) Urb.ApiaceaeThankuniHerbLeafAn extract is made with the leaves and salt by boiling in water, then the extract is taken four times a day (100 ml amount each time) for seven days to treat chicken pox. Leaf juice is taken for the treatment of mouth sore and cold.
Centipeda minima (L.) A.Braun & Asch.AsteraceaeHachutiHerbWhole plant.Herb decoction is used to treat paralysis and pain in the joints, and also against malaria, hepatitis, diabetes mellitus, eczema, insect or snake bites, and opium poisoning.
Ceratopteris pteridoides (Hook.) Hieron.ParkeriaceaePani terisAquatic herbLeaf, root.Both the leaves and the root are used as a poultice against skin complaints, e.g. as a drawing agent on carbuncles.
Cerbera manghas L. ApocynaceaeDaburTreeBark, seed.The bark is used as a laxative and antipyretic and in the treatment of dysuria and ringworm. Externally, the seeds are used to treat scabies and itch; and to prepare a hair tonic.
Ceriops decandra (Griff.) Ding Hou RhizophoraceaeZamtigoranShrub or small treeBarkBark decoction is used in the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders, infection, snakebites, inflammation, and cancer.
Ceriops tagal C.B.Rob.RhizophoraceaeMathgoranShrub or small treeBarkExternally bark is used in lotions to treat malignant ulcers and abdominal ailments.
Ceriscoides campanulata (Roxb.) Tirveng. RubiaceaeBoilemTreeFruitThe fruits are used as a cathartic and anthelminitic. 
Chaetocarpus castanocarpus (Roxb.) ThwaitesEuphorbiaceaeBulkokraTreeLeaf, root.Leaves and roots are used for the treatments muscular pains and tendons pains.
Cheilocostus speciosus (J.Koenig) C.D.SpechtCostaceaeKeuHerbRhizomeRhizome has been used to treat fever, rash, asthma, bronchitis, and intestinal worms.
Chenopodium album L.ChenopodiaceaeBatua shakHerbLeafLeaves are used in the treatment of rheumatism, bug bites, sunstroke, urinary problems, skin problems.
Chloranthus elatior LinkChloranthaceaeRamchiurHerbLeaf, bark, root.Leaves and roots are used as aphrodesiac, especially for women. The juice of the boiled branches is used as a contraceptive, and the root and the bark acts as a antispasmodic during childbirth. The leaf extract is considered a cure for venereal diseases. The plant is also used to treat fever, and pain killer.
Chromolaena odorata (L.) R.M.King & H.Rob.AsteraceaeAssamlataHerbLeafPaste prepared from the leaves of the plant is applied to the affected area to stop bleeding from cutting wound. A fresh juice extracted from the leaves of the plant is taken twice a day (two tea spoons amount each time) for three days to treat fever.
Chrozophora rottleri (Geiseler) A.Juss. ex Spreng.EuphorbiaceaeKhudiphoraHerbLeaf, stem.A paste is made with the leaves and stems of the plant are applied on the cutting place by tying with a piece of cloth once a day for three days to healing cutting wounds. Juice extracted from the plant is given for the treatment of cold and cough. Decoction prepared from the plant is advised to take for the treament of skin disease.
Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat.AsteraceaeDaisychandramallikaHerbLeafLeaves of the plant are used to treat fever, cold, headache, dizziness, and swelling. 
Chrysopogon aciculatus (Retz.) Trin.PoaceaeChorkataHerbRootPowder made from the dried roots of the grass is taken with water to treat stomach ache and gastric disorder. Ashes of burned roots taken internally for rheumatism.
Chrysopogon zizanioides (L.) Roberty PoaceaeGondhabenaHerbRootThe essential oil obtained from the roots is used medicinally as a carminative, diaphoretic, diuretic, emmenagogue, refrigerant, stomachic, tonic.
Chukrasia tabularis A.Juss.MeliaceaeChikrassiTreeBarkAn extract of the bark has powerful astringent properties and has been used to treat diarrhoea and as a febrifuge.
Cicer arietinum L.FabaceaeChollaHerbSeed Seed has been used in the treatment of dyspepsia, constipation and snakebite.
Cinnamomum camphora (L.) J.PreslLauraceaeKarpurTree Trunk, wood, leaves and twigs.The essential oil is anthelmintic, antirheumatic, antispasmodic, cardiotonic, carminative, diaphoretic, sedative and tonic. It is used externally in liniments for treating joint and muscle pains, balms for chilblains, chapped lips, cold sores, skin diseases etc and as an inhalant for bronchial congestion.
Cinnamomum tamala (Buch.-Ham.) T.Nees & Eberm.LauraceaeTejpataTreeLeaf, bark.The dried bark is used to treat stomach-ache. The leaves are used in the treatment of colic and diarrhea.
Cinnamomum verum J.PreslLauraceaeDaruchiniSmall treeBarkThe bark of the plant is used for the treatment of asthma, anal blister, anal fissure, constipation, dysmenorrhoea, hiccup, hyperacidity, impotence, insanity, jaundice, leprosy, leucorrhoea, malaria, rabies, sexual weakness, and tuberculosis.
Cissus adnata Roxb.VitaceaeVatia lataClimberLeaf, stem, root.A cold infusion of the pounded root is taken as a treatment for cough. Applied externally, the powdered root is heated and used as a poultice on cuts and fractures. The juice from the stem is taken as a treatment for cough and diarrhea. Externally the leaves are applied as a poultice for the maturation of boils.
Cissus assamica (Lawson) Craib VitaceaeAmasha lataClimberStem, root.The root extract is used for the treatment of hysteria. Stem is given for dysentery treatment.
Cissus elongata Roxb.VitaceaeChemna lataClimberLeaf, stem.The leaves and stems of the plant are cooked as vegetable and given as a remedy for jaundice. Paste prepared from the leaves and stems of the plant is applied for the treatment of skin diseases.
Cissus javana DC.VitaceaeDukhu lataClimberLeaf, root.A poultice of the leaves or roots is used to treat itches.
Cissus quadrangularis L.VitaceaeHarjoraClimberLeaf, stem.Fresh juice extracted from the leaf and stems of the plant is taken to treat asthma, malaria, and scurvy.
Cissus repens Lam.VitaceaeAnguriClimberRoot, whole plant.Paste of the plant is applied to sloughing and foetid ulcerations, also to boils and small abscess as a maturant. Root paste and juice are given in dog bites.
Citrullus colocynthis (L.) Schrad.CucurbitaceaeIndrayanHerbFruit, seed, root.The fruits and seeds are used in the treatment of diabetes. The roots have purgative properties and are used in the treatment of jaundice, rheumatism and urinary diseases.
Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum. & NakaiCucurbitaceaeTarmujCimbing herbSeedThe seed is used in the treatment of urinary tract infections, bed wetting, dropsy and renal stones, alcohol poisoning, hypertension, diabetic, diarrhoea and gonorrhoea.
Citrus aurantiifolia (Christm.) SwingleRutaceaeLebuShrub or small treeLeafAn infusion of the leaves is taken internally in the treatment of minor complaints such as bilious headaches and cold.
Citrus limon (L.) Burm.f.RutaceaeBorolebuShrubFruit.The juice is a good astringent and is used as a gargle for sore throats. Lemon juice is also a very effective bactericide. It has been used as a substitute for quinine in treating malaria and other fever.
Citrus maxima (Burm.f.) Merr.RutaceaeJamburaTreeLeaf.Pills made from leaves of the plant are taken to treat dysentery. The leaves are useful in epilepsy, chorea and convulsive cough.
Citrus medica L.RutaceaeShosrijamirShrub or small treeFruitFruits of the plant are used to treat cough, fever, bronchitis, rheumatism, stomachache.
Citrus reticulata BlancoRutaceaeKomlalebuTreeFruit, seed.Fruit is used in the treatment of dyspepsia, gastro-intestinal distension, cough with profuse phlegm, hiccup and vomiting. Seeds are used to treat hernia, lumbago, mastitis and pain or swellings of the testes.
Clausena anisata (Willd.) Hook.f. ex Benth.RutaceaeClusataShrubLeaf, root.The leaves and roots are taken for treating colds, rheumatism and arthritis. Leaf decoction is drunk to cure gastro-intestinal disorders, intestinal worms, fever, headache and sinusitis.
Clausena excavata Burm.f.RutaceaeCluvataShrub to small treeLeaf, stem. Its leaves and stem are used in folk medicine for treatment disorders such as colic, cough, headache, rhinitis, sores, wounds, fever.
Clausena heptaphylla (Roxb.) Wight & Arn.RutaceaePan mouriShrub to small treeLeaf.Leaves are used for the treatment of dysentery and impotence.
Cleidiocarpon laurinum Airy ShawEuphorbiaceaeCarpunamShrub to small treeLeafLeaves of the plant are used to treat boils.
Clematis gouriana Roxb. ex DC.RanunculaceaeHagalbatiWoody vineLeafThe plant is used to treat infected wounds and ulcers.
Cleome gynandra L.CapparaceaeSada hurhureHerbRootA decoction of the root is used to treat fever. The juice of the root is used to relieve scorpion stings.
Cleome houtteana Schltdl.CapparaceaeJharna phulHerbWhole palntThe whole plant is used in the treatment of scorpion stings and snake bites.
Cleome rutidosperma DC.CapparaceaeBegunehurhureyHerbLeaf Leaf extract is made into a lotion that is applied to soothe irritable skin conditions, prickly heat.
Cleome viscosa L.CapparaceaeAtha hurhuriaHerbLeafThe leaves of the plant are used as remedy for headache, wound, inflammation, and skin infection.
Clerodendrum indicum (L.) KuntzeVerbenaceaeBamunhattiShrubLeaf, root.The dried leaves are smoked like cigarettes to relieve asthma. The pounded root, combined with ginger, is considered useful in the treatment of asthma, coughs and other pulmonary complaints as well as scrofulous affections.
Clerodendrum infortunatum L.VerbenaceaeBhatUndershrub or shrubLeafLeaf decoction is used in the treatment of blenorrhoea.  The heated leaves are applied as a poultice on a swollen stomac.
Clerodendrum nutans Wall. ex JackVerbenaceaePansuelee bhatShrubLeaf, stem.The plant is used to treat diarrhoea and hypertension.
Clerodendrum paniculatum L.VerbenaceaePanyin bhatHerbLeafInfusion prepared from the leaves of the plant is said to be used for the treatment of gonorrhoea. A paste is made with the leaves of the plant is applied on the forehead to treat cluster headache. The plant is used for the treatment of skin disease and irregular menstruation.
Clerodendrum thomsoniae Balf.f.VerbenaceaeHridoykhoraClimbing shrubLeaf, flower.The leaves and flowers are pounded and applied to bruises, cuts, skin rashes and sores.
Clerodendrum wallichii Merr.VerbenaceaeTara tabah bhatShrubLeaf, stem.Paste prepared from the leaves and stems of the plant is applied to treat abdominal troubles and tumour.
Clitoria ternatea L.FabaceaeAparajitaTwining herbFlower, seed, root.The flowers are mixed with water in a preparation used to treat eye problems. The roots are bitter, powerfully cathartic, diuretic and purgative. Seed paste is used to treat snake bite.
Coccinia grandis (L.) VoigtCucurbitaceaeTelakuchaClimberLeaf, root.The juice of the roots and leaves is considered to be a useful treatment for diabetes.  A decoction is drunk in the treatment of gonorrhea.
Cocculus hirsutus (L.) Diels   MenispermaceaeJaljamaniClimberLeafAn infusion of the leaves is used to treat stomach-ache. A decoction is drunk to remedy female sterility. The leaf sap is used to treat nervous illnesses.
Cochlospermum religiosum (L.) AlstonBixaceaeChamcheygiTreeGumGum is used in the treatment of coughs and gonorrhea.
Cocos nucifera L.ArecaceaeNarikelPalm treeFruit.The juice from a green coconut is given to women who have difficult pregnancies. Juice from the fruit is taken to treat kidney problem.
Codariocalyx motorius (Houtt.) H.OhashiFabaceaeCodatorisUndershrubLeafLeaf paste is applied to treat boils.
Codiaeum variegatum (L.) Rumph. ex A.Juss.EuphorbiaceaePatabaharShrubLeaf, root.A decoction of the root is used in the treatment of gastric ulcer. A decoction of the crushed leaves is used in the treatment of diarrhea.
Coelogyne punctulata Lindl.OrchidaceaeSedagyneEpiphyteWhole plant.The plant is used to treat boils.
Coffea arabica L.RubiaceaeCoffeeSmall treeFruit.Coffee is a folk remedy for asthma, atropine poisoning, fever, flu, headache, jaundice, malaria, migraine, narcosis, nephrosis, opium poisoning, sores and vertigo.
Coix lacryma-jobi L.PoaceaeTojbiHerbRoot, seed.The roots have been used in the treatment of menstrual disorder. Seeds are used to treat lung abscess, lobar pneumonia, appendicitis, rheumatoid arthritis, beriberi, diarrhoea, oedema and difficult urination.
Colocasia esculenta (L.) SchottAraceaeKochuHerbLeafA decoction of the leaves is drunk to promote menstruation. The leaves are heated over a fire and are applied as a poultice to boils.
Colocasia fallax SchottAraceaeFal-kachuHerbRhizomeRhizome ihas been utilized for treatment of asthma, arthritis.
Colocasia gigantea (Blume) Hook.f.AraceaeSalad-kachuHerbCormPaste preapred from the corm of the plant is applied to treat boils, snake bite and rheumatism. The corms of the plant are used for the treatment of bone fracture, poisonous insect sting and tonsillitis.
Combretum indicum (L.) DeFilippsCombretaceaeBasantilataClimberLeaf, seed, root.A decoction of the seeds is given to children to stop diarrhea. The juice of the leaves is considered a remedy for boils and ulcers. A decoction of the root is used to treat fever.
Commelina benghalensis L.CommelinaceaeKanshiraHerbLeaf, root.The leaves are pounded and soaked in warm water and then the solution is drunk to treat diarrhea. A decoction of the root is used for the relief of stomach disorders.
Commelina diffusa Burm.f.CommelinaceaeMonayna kanshiraHerbLeaf, stem.The crushed leaves and stems are used as a remedy for irregular menstruation.
Commelina paludosa BlumeCommelinaceaeJatakanchiraHerbLeaf, root.The root is useful in vertigo, fevers and bilious affections. The leaf juice is taken for the treatment of dysentery.
Commelina suffruticosa Blume CommelinaceaeFala kanshiraHerbLeaf, root.The plant is used in menorrhagia. Root is applied to sores.
Convolvulus arvensis L.ConvolvulaceaeHorin padiClimbing herbLeaf, flower.A tea made from the flowers is laxative and is also used in the treatment of fevers and wounds. A cold tea made from the leaves is laxative and is also used as a wash for spider bites or taken internally to reduce excessive menstrual flow.
Conyza japonica (Thunb.) Less. ex Less.AsteraceaeJapani conyzaHerbLeafThe leaves are used in the treatment of diarrhoea, dysentery and internal haemorrhages.
Corchorus aestuans L.TiliaceaeJanglipatHerbLeaf, seed. Seeds are used for the treatment of stomach-ache and pneumonia. The leaves serve against headache.
Corchorus capsularis L.TiliaceaeTitapatHerbLeaf, root.A decoction of the roots and unripe fruits is used in the treatment of dysentery.  Leaf infusion is used in the treatment of dysentery, fevers, dyspepsia and liver disorder.
Corchorus fascicularis Lam. TiliaceaeBanpatHerbLeafThe plant is useful in ulcers, tumour, ascites, piles.
Corchorus olitorius L.TiliaceaeMithapatHerbLeafLeaves are used in the treatment of chronic cystitis, gonorrhoea and dysuria.
Cordia dichotoma G.Forst.BoraginaceaeBohariTreeLeaf, bark.The juice of the leaves is considered cooling, and is applied as a poultice to treat migraine, inflammation and swellings.  A decoction of the stem bark is taken for treating dyspepsia, diarrhoea, dysentery fever, headache, stomach-ache.
Cordyline fruticosa (L.) A.Chev.AgavaceaePatabaharShrubLeafLeaf is being used for the treatment of various disorders, such as fever, headache, diarrhea, coughs, haemoptysis, small pox, madness, skin eruptions, joint pains, rheumatic bone pains, swelling pain.
Coriandrum sativum L.ApiaceaeDhaniyaHerbSeedCoriander paste is applied on the belly to treat abdominal pain. Coriander has been used to treat rheumatism and neuralgia.
Corymborkis veratrifolia (Reinw.) BlumeOrchidaceaeCorymvarsh orchidHerbLeafJuice extracted from fresh leaves of the plant, it is bitter in taste and used in constipation. An infusion of the leaves and a decoction of the roots are taken as a purge. The juice of the fresh leaves is given as an emetic to reduce fever, especially in children.
Cosmos bipinnatus Cav.AsteraceaeKachmachHerbWhole plant.The plant has been used in a traditional herbal remedy for various diseases such as jaundice, intermittent fever.
Cotula hemisphaerica Wall. ex Benth. & Hook.f.AsteraceaeBabuniHerbWhoel plantThe plant is applied to treat headache.
Couroupita guianensis Aubl.LecythidaceaeNagalingamTreeLeaf, flower, bark.Leaves, flowers, and barks are used to treat hypertension, tumor, pain, and inflammatory reactions. Leaves are used to make juice which is used to treat skin diseases, malaria.
Crassocephalum crepidioides (Benth.) S.MooreAsteraceaeDuubbecrepiHerbLeafA leaf lotion or decoction is used to treat headache. The dried leaf powder is applied as a snuff to stop nose bleeding and smoked to treat sleeping sickness.
Crateva religiosa G.Forst.CapparaceaeBarunTreeLeaf, bark, flower.The bark and the leaves are pounded and applied as a poultice against rheumatism. The pickled flowers are stomachic.
Crinum asiaticum L.LiliaceaeNagdaunHerbLeafA poultice of the heated, pounded, fresh leaves is used to treat contusions, sprains, fractures, luxations.
Crinum viviparum (Lam.) R.Ansari & V.J.NairLiliaceaeBhai sukhdarshanHerbLeaf, bulb.The bulb and stolon are very much used for the treatment of burns, whitlow, and carbuncle. In otitis a few drops of juice of the leaves are instilled in to the ear.
Crotalaria alata D.Don FabaceaesPakha jhunjhuniHerbRootThe juice of the root is used in the treatment of malarial fever.
Crotalaria albida Roth   FabaceaeShada jhunjhuniHerbRootThe juice of the root is used in the treatment of indigestion.
Crotalaria calycina SchrankFabaceaeKali jhunjhuniHerbWhole plant.The plant is used for treating pain, convulsions, wounds, venereal sores, syphilis.
Crotalaria incana L.FabaceaeChhoto JhunjhuniHerbLeaf, flower.The platn is used to cure gonorrhea, for baths and poultices, and as a disinfectant for wounds and sores.
Crotalaria juncea L.FabaceaeShonHerbSeedThe seeds are said to purify the blood and are used to treat impetigo and psoriasis.
Crotalaria pallida AitonFabaceaeJhunjhuniHerbLeaf, root.A poultice made of the roots is applied to painful swelling of joints. The leaves are used to treat wounds.
Crotalaria prostrata Willd. FabaceaeShyaon jhunjhuniHerbRootThe root is used to treat derangements of the stomach and infantile diarrhea.
Crotalaria retusa L. FabaceaeBiljhanjhanaHerbFlower, seed.A decoction of the flowers and leaves is used to soothe a cold. The powdered seeds, mixed with milk, are eaten in order to increase body strength; they are also used to treat skin diseases.
Crotalaria spectabilis Roth FabaceaeJhunjhunHerbLeafLeaves are used in scabies and impetigo, poisonous to livestock, cause hepatic disease.
Crotalaria verrucosa L.FabaceaeVaru jhanjhaniHerbRootThe roots are used as a treatment against fever and stomach pain.
Croton bonplandianus Baill.EuphorbiaceaeBankhiraHerbWhole plant. Whole plant is used in for the treatment of headache, fever, scabies and neuralgia.
Croton caudatus Geiseler EuphorbiaceaeNanbhantuiShrubLeaf, bark.The dried bark is used to relieve stomach disorders. The leaves are applied as a poultice to sprains and may be used for poulticing during fever.
Croton persimilis Müll.Arg.EuphorbiaceaeBaragachhTreeLeafThe pounded leaves are used to relieve the bites of insects.
Croton tiglium L. EuphorbiaceaeJaiphalTreeLeaf, bark, seed.The leaves are used as a poultice to treat snakebites. The seed oil and bark were widely used in folk medicine as a remedy for cancerous sores and tumours, carbuncles, colds, dysentery, fever, paralysis, scabies, schistosomiasis, snakebite, sore throat and toothache.
Cryptocoryne spiralis (Retz.) Fisch. ex Wydler AraceaeIpikakiHerbRhizomeRhizome extracts are used for cough, fever, nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting in infants, and abdominal complaints. It has been discovered that it can also lower blood pressure as well.
Cryptolepis sinensis (Lour.) Merr.AsclepiadaceaeChina karantaLianaLeaf, stem.The stems and leaves are used externally for the treatment of snake bites, traumatic injury, and scabies.
Cucumis melo L.CucurbitaceaeBangiClimberFruitThe fruits can be used as a cooling light cleanser or moisturiser for the skin.
Cucumis sativus L.CucurbitaceaeSasaClimberLeaf, fruit.The leaf juice is emetic; it is used to treat dyspepsia in children. The fresh fruit is used internally in the treatment of blemished skin, heat rash etc, whilst it is used externally as a poultice for burns, sores etc and also as a cosmetic for softening the skin.
Cucurbita maxima DuchesneCucurbitaceaeMistikumraClimberFruitThe fruit pulp is used as a soothing poultice on burns, inflammations and boils. A paste made from the fruit stalks is used to heal boils and earache.
Cuminum cyminum L.ApiaceaeJiraHerbSeed It is used in the treatment of flatulence and bloating, reducing intestinal gas and relaxing the gut as a whole.
Cuphea hyssopifolia KunthLythraceaeKupheaHerbLeaf, flower.The leaves and flowers of are used as a tonic and in the treatment of fevers and coughs.
Curculigo orchioides Gaertn. LiliaceaeTalamuliHerbRhizome The rhizome is used internally in the treatment of a range of diseases including peptic ulcers, piles, gonorrhoea, leucorrhoea, asthma, jaundice, chronic nephritis, diarrhoea, lumbago and headache.
Curcuma amada Roxb.ZingiberaceaeAm adaHerbRootThe mashed or grated root is applied externally to the skin in the treatment of ulcers, bruises, wounds and sprains. Root is used internally to treat a wide range of digestive problems such as wind, stomach pain, bad breath, loss of appetite, hiccups, indigestion, colic and constipation.
Curcuma angustifolia Roxb.ZingiberaceaeTikkur haludHerbRhizomeRhizome paste is applied in cases of dislocated bones.
Curcuma aromatica Salisb.ZingiberaceaeBon holudHerbRhizomeRhizome is used internally in the treatment of jaundice, nosebleeds, internal haemorrhage, painful menstruation, shock, chest pains associated with low liver energy.
Curcuma caesia Roxb. ZingiberaceaeKalo holudHerbRhizomeRhizome juice is given to the patients suffering from diarrhoea.
Curcuma longa L.ZingiberaceaeHoludHerbRhizomeJuice extracted from rhizome of the plant with some sugar is taken for the treatment of liver disorder. Rhizome juice with some sugar is taken for two weeks to treat filariasis. Rhizome paste is applied externally on the dislocated place after fixing the bone once a day for seven days to treat bone dislocation. Rhizome paste is applied on the fractured bone and kept for five days by tying with a piece of cloth to treat bone fracture.
Cuscuta reflexa Roxb.CuscutaceaeSwarrnalataEpiphytic twinerWhole plantThe plant is employed to treat difficulty in urinating, jaundice, muscle pain and cough.
Cyanthillium cinereum (L.) H.Rob.AsteraceaeKukshimHerbLeaf, stem, flower, root.A decoction made with the leaves and stems is used to treat kidney disorders, swellings, inflammation, lower abdominal pains and menstrual pains. The flowers are used in treating conjunctivitis. Root juice is used in to treat haemorrhoids, diarrhoea and stomach disorder.
Cyathea gigantea (Wall. ex Hook.) HolttumCyatheaceaeBaro brikkha fernTree fernStem Stem is used to treat gastricitis.
Cyathula prostrata (L.) BlumeAmaranthaceaeShyontulaHerbLeaf, root. A decoction of the roots is used as a remedy for dysentery, colds and cough, rheumatism and dropsy. The roots are used in the treatment of abnormal and frequent urination. The leaves are used to ease irritations of the throat.
Cycas pectinata Buch.-Ham.CycadaceaeNata cycasPalm like treeLeaf, bark, seed.The bark and the seeds are ground to a paste with oil and used as a poultice on sores and swellings. The juice of tender leaves is useful in the treatment of flatulence and vomiting.
Cyclea barbata Miers MenispermaceaePatalpurClimberRootA decoction made of the roots is used in local medicine against fever.
Cyclocodon lancifolius (Roxb.) KurzCampanulaceaeCyclodonHerbRootThe root is used to treat trauma, qi deficiency, intestinal colic, tuberculosis cough, scrofula, hernia.
Cymbidium aloifolium (L.) Sw.OrchidaceaeChuriEpiphyteWhole plant.Orchid is used for the treatment of cut injury and lesion.
Cymbopogon citratus (DC.) StapfPoaceaeLebugandhi ghashHerbLeafLeaf is a very effective treatment for a range of skin conditions including athlete’s foot, ringworm, lice and scabies.
Cynanchum corymbosum WightAsclepiadaceaeShada chagal batiClimberRootRoot paste is appied to treat rheumatism.
Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.PoaceaeDurbaghassHerbWhole plantThe plant is used to treat leucoderma, bronchitis, piles, asthma, tumors, and enlargement of the spleen.
Cynoglossum lanceolatum Forssk.   BoraginaceaeKukurgihbaHerbLeaf, root, whole plantThe plant is diaphoretic, diuretic expectorant and febrifuge. The crushed leaf is applied to wounds as a plaster The roots are used in the treatment of eye problems.
Cynometra ramiflora L.      CaesalpiniaceaeShinguriTreeLeafThe leaves are used to make a lotion for treating skin diseases.
Cyperus articulatus L. CyperaceaeJoraghasiHerbLeafA leaf infusion is employed for treating headaches; colds and flu; mouth sores and ulcers; and hypertension.
Cyperus iria L. CyperaceaeIri ghasiHerbTuberA decoction of the ground tubers, sometimes combined with those of Cyperus rotundus, is used in the treatment of fevers.
Cyperus rotundus L.CyperaceaeMuthaHerbRoot Root is used internally in the treatment of digestive problems and menstrual complaints.
Cyperus scariosus R.Br. CyperaceaeGolarmuthaHerbTuberTuber is used to treat fevers, digestive system disorders, dysmenorrhea.

Disclaimer: The uses of medicinal plants described in this database are not recommendations, and the authors are not responsible for any liability arising directly or indirectly from the use of information in this website. We sincerely hope that this database will be useful to the people who are interested in medicinal plants of Bangladesh. Contents of this site are intended for reference and informational purpose only. No content is intended to constitute any medical treatment recommendation. If you think you may be suffering from any medical condition, you should seek immediate medical attention. You should never delay seeking medical advice, disregard medical advice, or discontinue medical treatment because of any information on this site. Healthcare professionals like Traditional healers and Herbalists are expected to rely on their professional knowledge.