Family: Cucurbitaceae

Synonym:Cucumis esculentus Salisb.

Bengali/Vernacular name: Khira, Sasa, Momo (Bengali); Hoa (Noakhali).

Tribal name:Mamrara,Sindirey shak (Chakma); Joytang (Khumi); Fangma (Lushai); Mou-prishi aa-rwo (Marma); Changma (Pangkhoa); Sthaw-khaa-sthei (Rakhaing); Dramai (Tripura).

English name:Cucumber, Garden cucumber.

Description of the plant: An annual, climbing herb; stem prostrate, hirsute.Tendrils slender, simple. Leaves broadly cordate-ovate, 12-20 cm long and as much as broad, villose-hispid, palmately 3-5 lobed, lobes triangular, dentate, acute. Flowers axillary, solitary, or fascicled, stalkless or short-stalked, and bell-shaped. Male and female flowers are similar in color and size, yellow, and about 2 cm long. Fruit usually cylindric, 10-20 cm long, smooth, yellow when mature, and slightly tuberculated.Seeds whitish, oblong, both ends subacute.

Plant parts used: Leaf, root, fruit, seed.

Herbal uses: Paste prepared from the seeds of the plant is mixed with water,andthen the mixture is taken once a day for some days to treat urination problem.

Seeds of the plant are taken to expel the worms.

The leaf juice is emetic; it is used to treat dyspepsia in children.

A fresh juice extracted from the leaves of the plant is taken to treat indigestion.

Paste prepared from the roots of the plant is used as remedy for swelling. 

Extract prepared from the seeds of the plant had a role in control of diabetes.

Immature fruit is given to children as remedy for dysentery.

Seeds of the plant are used for the treatment of throat infection.

Distribution: The species is cultivated throughout the country.

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