공짜로 딸기 모종 얻는 방법!ㅣHow To Grow Strawberries From Seed

1. 19.2.14 Strawberry seed collection (It started between 17 and 22 degrees.) 2. Use Gardening soil
3. Please give me plenty of water at first.
4. You do not get mold if you let the sun see a lot.
5. It depends on the temperature, but 30 to 45 days later, it comes out.
6. Seventy-five days later, I planted it.
7. Be careful not to get mold.
+음악 Fresh Fallen Snow Slow Times Over Here Rain North +카메라 아이폰6S +편집프로그램 : 프리미어 프로 +촬영/편집 : Black네모



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